We believe that there's no future where this isn't automated

Reliance on labor is an existential threat for food companies as labor becomes harder to hire and retain.

Traditional Automation Doesn’t Work

Dispensers and fixed automation only work for low-mix SKU production where these machines are given one task to repeat over and over. 

Dispensers aren’t capable of handling high SKU mix, rapid line changeovers and cleaning times, menu changes, and the rapid rate of onboarding new meals. 

Humans can handle high SKU mix, line changeovers, and menu changes, but it’s extremely hard to hire and retain humans. This leads to food facilities running under capacity and leaving revenue on the table. What if there was an alternative?


The Chef AI-Enabled Robot

Built for the Flexibility Your Operation Needs

Chef’s AI-enabled systems are designed with high-mix in mind. The system is designed to provide the flexibility of a person with the performance and reliability of a machine.

ChefOS works with:

Your ingredients
Fresh, cooked, and chilled “scoopable” food
IQF vegetables, meats and sauces
Piece picking
Your portion sizes
Small portions
Large portions
Your trays
Clear trays
Small cavities
Triangular cavities
Placement into Inserts
Two compartments
Your conveyors
Stop and go

Powered by Modern AI: ChefOS

Chef leverages modern advancements in artificial intelligence and computer vision to deal with the variety intrinsic to food.

ChefOS dynamically picks based on the particular ingredient and its properties, the pan topography, how the ingredient was cooked and prepped on that particular day.

ChefOS also detects and tracks the trays as they move down the line. Chef can re-train these models to place into any tray, into any compartment, and on any conveyor.

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ChefOS and the AI that powers Chef

Chef Hardware

Learn More About Customer Impact

Amy’s Kitchen

Amy’s Kitchen leveraged Chef to improve product consistency of runs by 12%, lower food giveaway by 4%, and increase labor productivity by 17%.

Read Case Study
Chef Bombay

Read about how Chef Bombay (a contract manufacturer) reduced deposit standard deviation by 30%, reduced food giveaway by 88%, increased labor productivity by 33%, and increased throughput by 9%.

Read Case Study

Within 3 weeks of signing an initial contract, Chef started production and has since helped Sunbasket increase consistency by 25% and free up 10% of the staff it takes to do a run to allow them to take on other tasks.

Read Case Study
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Customer Impact

The same footprint as a human, no complex integration necessary

Each Chef robot occupies the same footprint as a human and is on casters. All they need to operate is 120V, compressed air, and a Wi-Fi connection. This means that Chef’s Systems don’t require retrofitting; just slide them onto the line and run. The robots can even be moved from one line to another during a shift, helping you to maximize their utilization.

Works safely alongside humans

Further, Chef leverages collaborative robots and was designed to work safely alongside humans by ISO/TS 15066: 2016.
Chef allows you to partially automate a line, enabling humans and robots to work side-by-side. The robots empower humans to be more efficient.

An extremely simple way to run the System

We’ve designed Chef to be able to be run by a line manager on the floor. Simply tell the System what meal and ingredient you’re running, install a utensil, and run.

The System can be run in multiple languages too.

Ergonomic and zero-downtime refill

The Chef System is designed to be easily used while minimizing heavy lifting and labor.

Each System comes with two pans. As soon as one pan is empty, the robot will pick out of the other pan. A refiller can pull out the initial pan.

5 minute changeover

To changeover, remove the last utensil you used, select the new meal you want to run, load the new utensil and pans of food, and you’re ready for the next run.

Designed with food safety in mind

The only parts of the Chef robots with direct food contact are the robot’s utensils and the off-the-shelf hotel pans. These utensils can be changed out in seconds before the next run.

The Chef System is IP67 and made of food-grade materials such as 306 Stainless Steel and food-grade Delrin.

Pick weight accuracy and QA

Chef has takeaway scales underneath each hotel pan. These allow us to measure the weight of each deposit.

We then combine these with AI and thus can improve the quality of each successive pick based on past picks.

This means more consistency for your customers, less giveaway, higher yield, less food waste, and higher margins.

Placement accuracy QA

Chef also leverages this vision system to take snapshots before and after a deposit to do QA on the placement quality.

This means better placement, less spillage, and more aesthetically pleasing meals.

Data on every single deposit

Chef has data pipelines that connect the systems at your facility to the cloud. That means you have data on every single pick that your robots do, 24/7.

We help take our customers into the age of data and AI.

Deposits by meal over last month
Deposits by day over last month
Deposits by meal over last month

Service Anywhere in the World, Whenever You Need It

Chef is cloud-connected and our service technicians can resolve issues remotely 24/7. If on-site help is needed, Chef can have a technician there within hours, anywhere in the world via Chef’s partnership with a 3rd party service org with 15,000 technicians across the world.


With Chef, you don’t pay a high CapEx upfront

Instead, Chef acts like a robotic staffing agency. You pay a flat yearly fee for less than what you’re paying per station today. We take care of the hardware, software, service, software updates, and hardware updates.

You get a System that just works.

Application Scoping
Design + Engineering Time
Build + Manufacturing
System Upgrades
Spare Parts
Shipping and Training
Downtime and Onsite Support
Recurring Service Plan
Robotics as a Service (RaaS)
Application Scoping
Design + Engineering Time
Build + Manufacturing
System Upgrades
Spare Parts
Shipping and Training
Downtime and Onsite Support
Recurring Service Plan
Traditional Automation, Capital Expenditure (CapEx)
Application Scoping
Scoping + Feasibility Study Fees
Design + Engineering Time
Engineering NRE Fees
BOM + Material Fees
Build + Manufacturing
Labor Fees
System Upgrades
Upgrade Fees
Spare Parts
Spare part Fees
Shipping and Training
Shipping fees and training Fees
Downtime and Onsite Support
Emergency maintenance Fees
Recurring Service Plan
Service Plan
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Why Should You Care?

The food companies that embrace AI and flexible automation early will outperform their competitors across measures of quality, consistency, accuracy, throughput, and cost.

Chef is ROI Positive Year 1

These ROI outcomes combined with RaaS mean that you save money year one with Chef.

Consistency / yield
Recurring yearly cost
Food safety
QA / data
Recruiting cost
Consistency / yield
Highly varibale
Recurring yearly cost
$55k / shift
($110k / 2 shifts)
10-20 units/min
Food safety
Human vector risk
QA / data
QA 1x per hour
Recruiting cost
High turnover
CHEF System
On-demand 24/7
Consistency / yield
>30% better
Recurring yearly cost
< human cost
Faster rate
Service-level agrmt
Food safety
No added risk
QA / data
Data of every deposit
Recruiting cost
Consistency / yield
Volume & revenue
Margins + tracking

How does it work?

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1. Scope

We’ll provide you with on-site support

No two facilities are the same. Our engineers will act like your outsourced robotics division - we’ll work hand in hand with you to ensure that you get a system that will work for your needs.

2. Configuration

We’ll configure the System to your needs

Our engineers will configure Chef to your ingredients, your portions, your trays, your placement requirements, and your conveyors.

3. Deployment

You only pay the RaaS fee after Chef works

We’ll fly out, deploy the System, train your staff, and do a site acceptance test.

4. Support

We’ll monitor your systems 24/7

Included in your fee, you’ll get full operational support for your systems: 24/7 remote support, part replacement, bug fixes, software updates, software upgrades, hardware updates, hardware upgrades, and preventative maintenance.

5. Success and Scale

Our goal is to help transform your business

We’ll work closely with you to ensure your robots are utilized and to figure out the best path to successfully scale and bring you into the era of AI.

Our Vision

Our vision is that over time, we can automate more and more of the jobs that humans don’t want to do, freeing humans to do more humane jobs.

We would love to collaborate with you